Commissioned by Erki Pehk and Sinfonietta Rīga


Dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia



​Sub category

Small Orchestra




11 minutes


First performed

5 October 2018, Müpa Budapest, festival CAFe Budapest, Hungary, by Sinfonietta Rīga, conducted by Erki Pehk


Aegis draws its thematic material from the rich etymology and symbolism of its name. In ancient Greece, the aegis (αἰγίς, aigís) was a protective cloak or breastplate associated with Zeus and Athena, symbolizing majesty and supernatural power. Athena’s aegis, adorned with Medusa’s head, was a powerful emblem of protection.

Aegis signifies more than just a shield; it represents protection and strength. In modern usage, it means acting under the protection of a powerful, knowledgeable, or benevolent force, resonating universally with parallels in Norse and Egyptian mythology.

In composing this piece, I delved into harmonies that captivated me, weaving their melodic connections. This exploration led to a surprising and evocative sound world, inspired by the strength and grace symbolized by the aegis.

Elis Hallik

“In the orchestral composition ‘Aegis’ by Elis Hallik, who is in her early thirties, she boldly stacks dissonances on top of each other, yet places the sensitive notes in the harmonic spectrum so skillfully that the harsher juxtapositions are almost imperceptible.”
Molnár Szabolcs,