Elis Hallik. “Born in Waves”

Elis Hallik. “Born in Waves”

Elis Halliku esimesel autoriplaadil “Born in Waves” kõlab peamiselt helilooja kammermuusika aastatest 2014–2022. Plaadibukletist saab lugeda Kristina Kõrveri väga hästi kirjutatud täpseid ja sisukaid annotatsioone igale teosele. Plaadi avalugu “Some Paths Will Always Lead Through the Shadows” mõjub kui sissekäik Elis Halliku muusikalossi. See avaneb kui vana raske puust uks, pikkamisi ja rõhukalt, ning ukseavast…

Lainetes sündinud

Lainetes sündinud

Jaanuar, 2024Elis Halliku autoriplaat „Born in Waves” MIRJE MÄNDLA 2023. aasta jääb eesti muusikalugu märgistama mitme olulise uue muusika helilooja autoriplaadi ilmumisega. Olgu siinkohal nimetatud Arash Yazdani (1985) topeltalbum „Propagation of Uncertainty” (plaadifirma Kairos), millel Yazdani teoseid esitavad tema enda kureeritud Tallinna Uue Muusika Ansambel, Eesti Filharmoonia Kammerkoor, ERSO, Ensemble du Bout du Monde ja…

«Elis Hallik: Baltic light, in search of timelessness»

«Elis Hallik: Baltic light, in search of timelessness»

ELIS HALLIK: Some Paths Will Always Lead Through the Shadows; Concerto for two violins and string orchestra “Stoicheia”; To Become a Tree; Doch manchmal erhellt sich die Seele, wenn sie frohe Menschen denkt, dunkelgoldene Frühlingstage; Born in Waves; Touching the First Sounds; Impacts; Like a Swan; Above. Sirje Aleksandra Viise, soprano. Juta Ōunapuu-Mocanita and Triin…

Review from Musique Machine / Multi-Genre Music Magazine on Kairos album

Born In Waves is the debut album from this Estonia-born modern classical composer  It’s a nine-track affair, which highlights the composer’s ability to create compelling work that seesaws between discord & harmony, tautness & flow, and sourness & sweetness.The CD release appears on Austria’s Kairos. It’s presented in the labels house style digipak- with a forty-page…

Review from Carme Miró sonograma.org of Hallik’s new album Born in Waves

Estonian composer Elis Hallik’s debut on the Kairos label has an early justification in the recording of Born in Waves. In this sense, the composer comments: “I like to think that the structure can also work as an autonomous energy system, a multidirectional sense of time. Time and ambivalence are the different aspects of the same sound…

Respected British music critic Simon Cummings reviewed “Born in Waves” on Kairos

Respected British music critic Simon Cummings reviewed “Born in Waves” on Kairos

Elis Hallik is probably the most interesting Estonian composer who, thus far, i haven’t written much about. During my annual trips to the Estonian Music Days in recent years, she has rarely been featured, so until recently, all i knew of her music were two chamber works, To Become A Tree – probably her most well-known piece to date –…



„ERSO VABRIK”, 13.10. Paavli Kultuurivabrikus. Kavas Elis Hallik, Steve Reich, Jacob TV, Missy Mazzoli, Mokale Koapeng, Njabulo Phungula. Esitasid Taavi Orro (klarnet), Kristel Kiik (viiul), Maaren Vihermäe (viiul), Mairit Mitt-Bronikowska (vioola), Villu Vihermäe (tšello), Theodor Sink (tšello).  Fotod: Teet Raik, Müürileht Küll on hea, et lõpuks ometi on järjest enam hakatud nüüdis- ja süvamuusikat harjumuspärastest…