Poska ja Sibelius

Poska ja Sibelius

Elis Hallik’s Orchestral Work “Aegis” to be Performed by ERSO and Kristiina Poska On September 27, 2024, the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra (ERSO) and conductor Kristiina Poska will perform Elis Hallik’s orchestral work “Aegis” at the Estonia Concert Hall. The concert is part of ERSO’s season program and will also feature works by Jean Sibelius…

Kristiina Poska to Perform Elis Hallik’s “Aegis” with Bilbao Symphony Orchestra on Consecutive Evenings

Kristiina Poska to Perform Elis Hallik’s “Aegis” with Bilbao Symphony Orchestra on Consecutive Evenings

Elis Hallik’s “Aegis,” which explores mythological themes with a modern sensibility and narrative depth, will open the evening’s repertoire on two consecutive evenings, February 6th and 7th, with the Bilbao Symphony Orchestra. This performance represents a significant moment for Hallik, as it marks another notable presentation of “Aegis” during the 2024/2025 season under Kristiina Poska’s…

Kristiina Poska to Conduct Elis Hallik’s “Aegis” at Montpellier National Orchestra’s January 2025 Concert!

Kristiina Poska to Conduct Elis Hallik’s “Aegis” at Montpellier National Orchestra’s January 2025 Concert!

The Orchestre National Montpellier Occitanie has unveiled its rich program for the 2024/25 season, offering a diverse range of musical experiences. One of the highlights is the January 2025 concert, where Kristiina Poska, a renowned conductor, will lead the Montpellier National Orchestra in the performance of Elis Hallik’s piece “Aegis”. The concert will feature captivating…

Elis Halliku “To Be A Tree” ettekanded USA-s

Elis Halliku “To Be A Tree” ettekanded USA-s

Elis Halliku teos „To Become a Tree“ kõlab USA esiettekandena täna esmakordselt New Yorgi publiku ees ansambli Broken Frames Syndicate esituses. Kontserti saab otseülekandes jälgida Youtube’is. Eesti helilooja Elis Halliku ansambliteos „To Become a Tree“ flöödile/bassflöödile, bassklarnetile, viiulile, tšellole ja ettevalmistatud klaverile on ettekandel ansambli Broken Frames Syndicate USA turnee kahel kontserdil. 4. veebruaril mängiti…

Elis Hallik. “Born in Waves”

Elis Hallik. “Born in Waves”

Elis Halliku esimesel autoriplaadil “Born in Waves” kõlab peamiselt helilooja kammermuusika aastatest 2014–2022. Plaadibukletist saab lugeda Kristina Kõrveri väga hästi kirjutatud täpseid ja sisukaid annotatsioone igale teosele. Plaadi avalugu “Some Paths Will Always Lead Through the Shadows” mõjub kui sissekäik Elis Halliku muusikalossi. See avaneb kui vana raske puust uks, pikkamisi ja rõhukalt, ning ukseavast…

Lainetes sündinud

Lainetes sündinud

Jaanuar, 2024Elis Halliku autoriplaat „Born in Waves” MIRJE MÄNDLA 2023. aasta jääb eesti muusikalugu märgistama mitme olulise uue muusika helilooja autoriplaadi ilmumisega. Olgu siinkohal nimetatud Arash Yazdani (1985) topeltalbum „Propagation of Uncertainty” (plaadifirma Kairos), millel Yazdani teoseid esitavad tema enda kureeritud Tallinna Uue Muusika Ansambel, Eesti Filharmoonia Kammerkoor, ERSO, Ensemble du Bout du Monde ja…

«Elis Hallik: Baltic light, in search of timelessness»

«Elis Hallik: Baltic light, in search of timelessness»

ELIS HALLIK: Some Paths Will Always Lead Through the Shadows; Concerto for two violins and string orchestra “Stoicheia”; To Become a Tree; Doch manchmal erhellt sich die Seele, wenn sie frohe Menschen denkt, dunkelgoldene Frühlingstage; Born in Waves; Touching the First Sounds; Impacts; Like a Swan; Above. Sirje Aleksandra Viise, soprano. Juta Ōunapuu-Mocanita and Triin…