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Nyyd-muusika. Elis Halliku autoriplaat “Born in Waves”
Tänavu septembrikuus andis Austria plaadifirma Kairos välja Eesti helilooja Elis Halliku esimese autoriplaadi “Born in Waves”, kuhu on koondatud helilooja viimase kümnendi loomingu olulisemad teemad. Plaati võrdleb ta komponeerimisprotsessiga. “Kõik need kompositsioonid on omaette kompositsioonid, aga kogu selle plaadi koostamine – just et millised lood, mis järjestuses, isegi sinnani, et milline on see hingamispaus seal…

‘Like a Swan’, performed by the Ensemble for New Music Tallinn and Arash Yazdani in Vigo, Spain
My new work ‘Like a Swan’, performed by the Ensemble for New Music Tallinn and Arash Yazdani, will be premiered today in Vigo, Spain. In this piece, I channel my thoughts for all the people who have suffered and are suffering as a result of Russia’s military aggression in Ukraine. Due to unfortunate events, there…

Kristiina Poska to Conduct Elis Hallik’s “Aegis” at Montpellier National Orchestra’s January 2025 Concert!
The Orchestre National Montpellier Occitanie has unveiled its rich program for the 2024/25 season, offering a diverse range of musical experiences. One of the highlights is the January 2025 concert, where Kristiina Poska, a renowned conductor, will lead the Montpellier National Orchestra in the performance of Elis Hallik’s piece “Aegis”. The concert will feature captivating…

30 ettevõtjat tiivustasid 24 tunniga ambitsioonika helilooja unistust
Äripäeva Raadio saates “Kultuur veab majandust” astus saatejuht Eget Velleste haaravasse vestlusse ettevõtja Kristi Tiivase ja helilooja Elis Hallikuga. Vestlus süveneb erasponsorite olulisse rolli heliloomingu valdkonnas. Loe rohkem nende vestlusest: Artikli link

Respected British music critic Simon Cummings reviewed “Born in Waves” on Kairos
Elis Hallik is probably the most interesting Estonian composer who, thus far, i haven’t written much about. During my annual trips to the Estonian Music Days in recent years, she has rarely been featured, so until recently, all i knew of her music were two chamber works, To Become A Tree – probably her most well-known piece to date –…
Review from Carme Miró of Hallik’s new album Born in Waves
Estonian composer Elis Hallik’s debut on the Kairos label has an early justification in the recording of Born in Waves. In this sense, the composer comments: “I like to think that the structure can also work as an autonomous energy system, a multidirectional sense of time. Time and ambivalence are the different aspects of the same sound…