Commissioned by Ensemble for New Music Tallinn
Sub category
Small Ensemble
11 minutes
flute, bass clarinet, piano, viola, cello
First performed
Ensemble for New Music Tallinn, conductor Arash Yazdani; May 10, 2022, MARCO – museum of contemporary art, Vigo, Spain
10 May 2022, Ensemble for New Music Tallinn, cond. Arash Yazdani, Auditorio Martín Códax Conservatorio Superior de Música de Vigo, Spain (ES) | 7 November 2022, Ensemble for New Music Tallinn, cond. Arash Yazdani, Kaunas (LT) | 27 November 2022, Ensemble for New Music Tallinn, Arash Yazdani, cond. Arash Yazdani, Festival Ars Musica, Brussels (BE)
Program notes:
In this piece, I channel my thoughts for all the people who have suffered and are suffering as a result of Russia’s military aggression in Ukraine.
Due to unfortunate events, there is an additional dedication to my father, whose soul now flies freely over the seas like a swan.
The work is multi-voiced, there is an idea of the beating of the swans’ wings – symbolising beauty, human dignity, strength and greatness, just like Ukrainians today, fighting for their freedom.
There are the voices of sirens – symbolising acts against humanity.
There is a tune like a lullaby from my home island of Kihnu, symbolising sadness, a song without words to hold the memory of those who have lost their lives due to
the Russian aggression.
Sláva Ukrayíni!
Muidu rajas ansambel omale teed läbi mitmesuguste nõudlike helimaailmade. Märt-Matis Lille „Põgenemine“ sisaldab tungivaid ostinato-laineid ning ägisevat tšellot ja bassklarneti pedaalinoote. See lõi meeleolu sisekaemuslikule, emotsionaalsele teosele. Selle parim näide oli Elis Halliku tabav „Like a Swan“ ehk „Nagu luik“. Häguselt langevate harmooniate, määrdunud glissando’de, meloodiafragmentide ja murtud mollkolmkõla liikumistega tundus see otsekui igavesti maa sisse vajuvat. Sain alles tagantjärele aru, et see oli kantud Ukraina sõjaga seotud tunnetest, seos tekkis siiski, kuigi seda ei mainitud. Peeter Kirn, Sirp