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Elis Hallik’s work “Firehearted” on the new album “Scroll Over Beethoven”
Elis Hallik’s work “Firehearted” on the new album “Scroll Over Beethoven”, performed by the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra and conducted by maestro Neeme Järvi. A new album has been released, featuring the works of Peeter Vähi, Elis Hallik and Beethoven under the direction of maestro Neeme Järvi. On the album, violinist Triin Ruubel and pianist…
Respected British music critic Simon Cummings reviewed “Born in Waves” on Kairos
Elis Hallik is probably the most interesting Estonian composer who, thus far, i haven’t written much about. During my annual trips to the Estonian Music Days in recent years, she has rarely been featured, so until recently, all i knew of her music were two chamber works, To Become A Tree – probably her most well-known piece to date –…
Elis Hallik andis Austria plaadifirma alt välja autoriplaadi “Born in Waves”
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An Inspiring Season of Music
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Phos – The Premiere of Elis Hallik’s New Symphony at the Afekt Festival
Elis Hallik’s new symphony Phos will be performed at the Estonia Concert Hall on November 1, 2024, as part of the Afekt Festival. The Estonian National Symphony Orchestra (ERSO), conducted by Clement Power, will present this work for the first time. Phos, meaning “light” in Ancient Greek, is a one-movement symphony that explores the interplay of light and shadow. Each section…