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Contemporary music group Lisbon Ensemble 20/21 will perform “To Become a Tree”
Contemporary music group Lisbon Ensemble 20/21 will perform “To Become a Tree” (2016) at the Croma Contemporary Music Festival on March 17th in Oeiras, Portugal. The concert will take place in the Ruy de Carvalho hall (Auditório Municipal Ruy de Carvalho) in Carnaxide.CROMA Contemporary Music Festival aims to promote and disseminate Portuguese contemporary music. In…
Elis Halliku “To Be A Tree” ettekanded USA-s
Elis Halliku teos „To Become a Tree“ kõlab USA esiettekandena täna esmakordselt New Yorgi publiku ees ansambli Broken Frames Syndicate esituses. Kontserti saab otseülekandes jälgida Youtube’is. Eesti helilooja Elis Halliku ansambliteos „To Become a Tree“ flöödile/bassflöödile, bassklarnetile, viiulile, tšellole ja ettevalmistatud klaverile on ettekandel ansambli Broken Frames Syndicate USA turnee kahel kontserdil. 4. veebruaril mängiti…
Phos – The Premiere of Elis Hallik’s New Symphony at the Afekt Festival
Elis Hallik’s new symphony Phos will be performed at the Estonia Concert Hall on November 1, 2024, as part of the Afekt Festival. The Estonian National Symphony Orchestra (ERSO), conducted by Clement Power, will present this work for the first time. Phos, meaning “light” in Ancient Greek, is a one-movement symphony that explores the interplay of light and shadow. Each section…
An Inspiring Season of Music
This season has already brought some unforgettable moments, including the Estonian premiere of Aegis with Kristiina Poska conducting and the world premiere of Phos Symphony under Clement Power at the AFEKT Festival. Both performances were deeply moving and left a profound impression, both musically and interpretatively. The journey continues with exciting upcoming concerts. In December, To Become a Tree will be…
lectroacoustic Piece ‘Tuning the Iron’ at ERSO’s Audiospaa Concert
This Friday, on October 13th, at 9 PM, ERSO musicians will perform at the Paavli Culture Factory. In the second concert of the AUDIOSPAA concert series, you will hear the works of Mokale Koapeng, Njabulo Phungula, Missy Mazzoli, Jacob TV, Elis Hallik, and Steve Reich. The performers include Taavi Orro (clarinet), Kristel Kiik (violin), Maaren…
Nyyd-muusika. Elis Halliku autoriplaat “Born in Waves”
Tänavu septembrikuus andis Austria plaadifirma Kairos välja Eesti helilooja Elis Halliku esimese autoriplaadi “Born in Waves”, kuhu on koondatud helilooja viimase kümnendi loomingu olulisemad teemad. Plaati võrdleb ta komponeerimisprotsessiga. “Kõik need kompositsioonid on omaette kompositsioonid, aga kogu selle plaadi koostamine – just et millised lood, mis järjestuses, isegi sinnani, et milline on see hingamispaus seal…