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Helikaja. Plaadinõel. Elis Halliku debüütalbum
Klassikaraadio Helikaja saates võtab muusikateadlane Saale Kareda luubi alla Elis Halliku albumi “Born in Waves”. Saale panus albumi hindamisel on eriliselt tänuväärne, avades ukse muusika sügavustesse oma tundliku arusaamaga. Saale Kareda: Elis Hallikut käivitavaks loominguliseks jõuks on taotlus tungida nii kõrgema intellekti kui ka tunnetuslikult intensiivse loomeprotsessi kaudu väga sügavale eksistentsi mõistmise ja mõtestamiseni. Austria…

Poska and Sibelius
Elis Hallik’s Orchestral Work “Aegis” to be Performed by ERSO and Kristiina Poska On September 27, 2024, the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra (ERSO) and conductor Kristiina Poska will perform Elis Hallik’s orchestral work “Aegis” at the Estonia Concert Hall. The concert is part of ERSO’s season program and will also feature works by Jean Sibelius…

Selgusid nüüdismuusika preemia Au-tasu 2023 nominendid
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lectroacoustic Piece ‘Tuning the Iron’ at ERSO’s Audiospaa Concert
This Friday, on October 13th, at 9 PM, ERSO musicians will perform at the Paavli Culture Factory. In the second concert of the AUDIOSPAA concert series, you will hear the works of Mokale Koapeng, Njabulo Phungula, Missy Mazzoli, Jacob TV, Elis Hallik, and Steve Reich. The performers include Taavi Orro (clarinet), Kristel Kiik (violin), Maaren…

Elis Hallik’s work “Firehearted” on the new album “Scroll Over Beethoven”
Elis Hallik’s work “Firehearted” on the new album “Scroll Over Beethoven”, performed by the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra and conducted by maestro Neeme Järvi. A new album has been released, featuring the works of Peeter Vähi, Elis Hallik and Beethoven under the direction of maestro Neeme Järvi. On the album, violinist Triin Ruubel and pianist…

Phos – The Premiere of Elis Hallik’s New Symphony at the Afekt Festival
Elis Hallik’s new symphony Phos will be performed at the Estonia Concert Hall on November 1, 2024, as part of the Afekt Festival. The Estonian National Symphony Orchestra (ERSO), conducted by Clement Power, will present this work for the first time. Phos, meaning “light” in Ancient Greek, is a one-movement symphony that explores the interplay of light and shadow. Each section…