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Elis Hallik’s Album presentation talk and “Tuning the Iron”
October 28 at 19:30, Tallinn, Telliskivi Creative City, Green Hall Austria’s renowned record label Kairos has released the album “Born in Waves” by Estonian composer Elis Hallik (born in 1986). The album predominantly features chamber compositions and includes one orchestral piece – a concerto for two violins and a string orchestra titled “Stiihia.” The album…
Best Albums of 2023 (Part 2)
“Born in Waves” has received distinguished recognition as one of the Best Albums of 2023, handpicked by renowned British music critic and composer Simon Cummings! Explore the curated selection and delve into the musical ideas of Elis Hallik’s latest creation:
Elis Hallik’s work “Firehearted” on the new album “Scroll Over Beethoven”
Elis Hallik’s work “Firehearted” on the new album “Scroll Over Beethoven”, performed by the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra and conducted by maestro Neeme Järvi. A new album has been released, featuring the works of Peeter Vähi, Elis Hallik and Beethoven under the direction of maestro Neeme Järvi. On the album, violinist Triin Ruubel and pianist…
Eelarvamustevaba kõlaväli!
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Kristiina Poska to Conduct Elis Hallik’s “Aegis” at Montpellier National Orchestra’s January 2025 Concert!
The Orchestre National Montpellier Occitanie has unveiled its rich program for the 2024/25 season, offering a diverse range of musical experiences. One of the highlights is the January 2025 concert, where Kristiina Poska, a renowned conductor, will lead the Montpellier National Orchestra in the performance of Elis Hallik’s piece “Aegis”. The concert will feature captivating…
Elis Halliku “To Be A Tree” ettekanded USA-s
Elis Halliku teos „To Become a Tree“ kõlab USA esiettekandena täna esmakordselt New Yorgi publiku ees ansambli Broken Frames Syndicate esituses. Kontserti saab otseülekandes jälgida Youtube’is. Eesti helilooja Elis Halliku ansambliteos „To Become a Tree“ flöödile/bassflöödile, bassklarnetile, viiulile, tšellole ja ettevalmistatud klaverile on ettekandel ansambli Broken Frames Syndicate USA turnee kahel kontserdil. 4. veebruaril mängiti…