SAALE KAREDA on the festival Afekt

In the December 2017 issue of Teater.Muusika.Kino SAALE KAREDA on the festival Afekt “We have entered into / are in the process of entering completely new situations, where the old – perhaps at one time even extremely avant-garde mechanisms and methodologies – well-acquired techniques and games no longer work if they have no substantive justification….

Guy Rickards, Gramophone, May 2022

Ensemble Fractales a specialist new music chamber group comprising flautist Renata Kambarova, clarinetist Benjamin Maneyrol, violinist (and occasional viola player) Marion Borgel, cellist Diego Coutinho and pianist Gan Ponte. The ensemble’s diverse origins (France, Brazil, Uzbekistan) have nurtured their cosmopolitan approach, and the composers featured here hail from France (Claude Ledoux), Italy (Salvatore Sciarrino and…

Farištamo Eller, 14 March, 2022, Muusika​ “Eelkontserdil kõlanud Elis Halliku “To Become a Tree” kõnetas lihtsaimalt ilmselt just oma pealkirja, oma loo tõttu. Teos on kvintetile (flööt/bassflööt, bassklarnet, viiul, tšello ja ettevalmistatud klaver) ning viis mängijat võib orkestri kõrval tunduda vähe. Halliku teos mõjub suurelt ja tugevalt, isegi oma detailsuses ja mõningases õrnuses, ning oli sel õhtul hästi ja võimsalt ka esitatud….

Estonian composer Elis Hallik on the way to the trees

François Mauger, magazine “4’33”,  12.04.2022 “Estonian composer Elis Hallik on the way to the trees” To become a tree… Such is the dream of the Estonian composer Elis Hallik , or at least the title of one of her works: To become a tree . The Fractales ensemble has just recorded it on its…

Baltic Music Days 2022 “Up-close” festival to be held in Kaunas

Baltic Contemporary Music Network, June 2022 The second edition of the contemporary classical music festival Baltic Music Days (BMD) will be held in the European Capital of Culture – Kaunas (06.-19.11.2022).  The festival will be hosted by the local contemporary classical music festival Iš ARTI which was founded in 2009 by the Chairwoman of Lithuanian Composers’ Union…

Ansambel U: “Residentuu:r. Muusikasalvestiste roll ja potentsiaal tänapäeval”

Aurora Ruus, Sirp, 20.05.2022 Ansambel U: „Residentuu:r. Muusikasalvestiste roll ja potentsiaal tänapäeval“. Neli arutelu 26. I – 4. V Tallinnas. Uut muusikat esitava ansambel U: eestvedamisel toimus tänavu juba seitsmendat korda loomeresidentuur. Sel aastal oli kohtumiste eesmärk arutleda muusikasalvestiste koha, tähtsuse ning võimaluste üle eeskätt nüüdismuusika perspektiivist lähtudes. Varasemates residentuurides on lähema vaatluse all olnud…

A listening journey in six steps: contemporary women composers in Estonia

Kevin W Ng , 8 April, 2022, Bachtrack “A listening journey in six steps: contemporary women composers in Estonia” “Among the younger generation of composers, Elis Hallik (born in 1986) has achieved particular international success. Hallik studied at the Estonian Academy of Music with Helena Tulve and Toivo Tulev, followed by further studies at…

Guy Rickards, Gramophone, May 2022

Guy Rickards, Gramophone, May 2022 Ensemble Fractales a specialist new music chamber group comprising flautist Renata Kambarova, clarinetist Benjamin Maneyrol, violinist (and occasional viola player) Marion Borgel, cellist Diego Coutinho and pianist Gan Ponte. The ensemble’s diverse origins (France, Brazil, Uzbekistan) have nurtured their cosmopolitan approach, and the composers featured here hail from France (Claude…

‘Like a Swan’, performed by the Ensemble for New Music Tallinn and Arash Yazdani in Vigo, Spain

‘Like a Swan’, performed by the Ensemble for New Music Tallinn and Arash Yazdani in Vigo, Spain

My new work ‘Like a Swan’, performed by the Ensemble for New Music Tallinn and Arash Yazdani, will be premiered today in Vigo, Spain. In this piece, I channel my thoughts for all the people who have suffered and are suffering as a result of Russia’s military aggression in Ukraine.  Due to unfortunate events, there…