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A review from BlowUp Magazine (Italy)
The works of Elis Hallik and Liza Lim on the CD Kairos offer listeners a collection of chamber pieces that reveal their tension towards spectralist formulations and, to a lesser extent, interest in live electronics. As an Estonian composer born in 1986, Elis Hallik involved an orchestra, five ensembles, and numerous soloists, resulting in a…
«Elis Hallik: Baltic light, in search of timelessness»
ELIS HALLIK: Some Paths Will Always Lead Through the Shadows; Concerto for two violins and string orchestra “Stoicheia”; To Become a Tree; Doch manchmal erhellt sich die Seele, wenn sie frohe Menschen denkt, dunkelgoldene Frühlingstage; Born in Waves; Touching the First Sounds; Impacts; Like a Swan; Above. Sirje Aleksandra Viise, soprano. Juta Ōunapuu-Mocanita and Triin…
The Deep Connection of Elis Hallik’s Music to the World
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Review from Musique Machine / Multi-Genre Music Magazine on Kairos album
Born In Waves is the debut album from this Estonia-born modern classical composer It’s a nine-track affair, which highlights the composer’s ability to create compelling work that seesaws between discord & harmony, tautness & flow, and sourness & sweetness.The CD release appears on Austria’s Kairos. It’s presented in the labels house style digipak- with a forty-page…
In the December 2017 issue of Teater.Muusika.Kino
In the December 2017 issue of Teater.Muusika.Kino SAALE KAREDA on the festival Afekt “We have entered into / are in the process of entering completely new situations, where the old – perhaps at one time even extremely avant-garde mechanisms and methodologies – well-acquired techniques and games no longer work if they have no substantive justification….
Persona Grata 2017-09 Johanna Mängel Teater.Muusika.Kino
Persona Grata 2017-09 Johanna Mängel Teater.Muusika.Kino Elis Hallik (1986) on heliloojana huvitatud sellest, mis mõjutab võimet olla teadlikult käesolevas hetkes ja jälgida tähelepanuga kõike ümbritsevat —vaikust ja müra selle erinevates tahkudes ning mikrosündmusi helides ja muusikalises protsessis. Elis Hallik õppis kompositsiooni Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemias Helena Tulve ja Toivo Tulevi juhendamisel ning täiendas end Lyoni…