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Farištamo Eller, 14 March, 2022, Muusika
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Saale Kareda, musicologist, Muusika magazine, November 5, 2024
The Courage to Live Elis Hallik and Kristiina Poska. PHOTO BY TEET RAIK The first program of the ERSO’s new series “Cello Concerto” on September 27 brought to the audience the Estonian premiere of Aegis by Elis Hallik, performed by one of today’s most esteemed cellists, Alban Gerhardt, and the charismatic conductor Kristiina Poska. Elis Hallik ja…

«Elis Hallik: Baltic light, in search of timelessness»
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Lainetes sündinud
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Simon Cummings, 18 March, 2022, blog 5:4, program “Lent series”
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