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Elis Hallik’s work “Firehearted” on the new album “Scroll Over Beethoven”
Elis Hallik’s work “Firehearted” on the new album “Scroll Over Beethoven”, performed by the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra and conducted by maestro Neeme Järvi. A new album has been released, featuring the works of Peeter Vähi, Elis Hallik and Beethoven under the direction of maestro Neeme Järvi. On the album, violinist Triin Ruubel and pianist…
Poska ja Sibelius
Elis Hallik’s Orchestral Work “Aegis” to be Performed by ERSO and Kristiina Poska On September 27, 2024, the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra (ERSO) and conductor Kristiina Poska will perform Elis Hallik’s orchestral work “Aegis” at the Estonia Concert Hall. The concert is part of ERSO’s season program and will also feature works by Jean Sibelius…
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30 ettevõtjat tiivustasid 24 tunniga ambitsioonika helilooja unistust
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Elis Hallik andis Austria plaadifirma alt välja autoriplaadi “Born in Waves”
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Residency Programme with the Ensemble U:
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